An Introduction to Wet Shaving

If you’ve spent any amount of time perusing this site you might know that I hold Petal Pusher Fancies in very high regard.  Moustache wax, great.  kokum butter shaving soap, great, moustache wax remover, great!  Anyway, during one of our correspondence, Hodges from PPF (as the hip kids are want to say) asked if I “wet shave” and, if I did, he had a shaving soap for me to try.  My shaving, to this point, had been all over-priced electric razors and gimmicky 37 blade battery powered vibrating ridiculousness.  Shaving soap was a mystery, I didn’t know a shaving brush from a toothbrush and I was, and still am, scared of straight razors…so I told him I did and thus my romance with wet shaving began.

razor and mugAt its most basic wet shaving encompasses manual (e.g. non-electric) razors and some sort of lather.  However when most people ask if you wet shave they want to know if you’re using a safety or straight razor with a brush and shaving soap.  Not knowing what I was doing I just began Googling things.  Lots of reading later I felt I was ready to make some educated guesses for the hardware I would use to indoctrinate myself into the brotherhood (and sisterhood for legs) of wet shavers.

Here’s what I got and why:

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